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Art e Facto


A proposito di Studio

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Il design degli interni riguarda per il 30% la creatività e l'immagine e il 70% per qualcos'altro. "Qualcos'altro" significa il tuo stile di vita, i bisogni della famiglia, le tue passioni e desideri futuri, qualcosa che ti ispira o ti rende depresso. Potresti sentirti rilassato e a tuo agio, o questo sarebbe un insetto che ti fa un buco in testa. Anche la parte più importante è il background tecnico e ingegneristico, molti piccoli componenti, che fanno risparmiare denaro, influiscono sulla migliore qualità dei lavori di manutenzione della casa.

About Studio


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Olga Belinska

amministratore delegato, designer

Alla ricerca di nuove idee, opportunità, innovazioni e tecnologie all'avanguardia per il lavoro futuro. Oltre a fiere, nuovi fornitori, specialisti dell'artigianato.
Soddisfare i desideri del cliente e trasformarli nel progetto finale.
Di mentalità aperta, allegra e appassionata di ogni singolo target.

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Victoria Dulia

Designer junior, visualizzatore 3D

Pronto a raggiungere l'obiettivo nel miglior modo possibile.
Creativo, laborioso ed estroverso.

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Aliyev Mahammadali

Visualizzatore 3D esperto con oltre 5 anni di pratica

Sa fornire un risultato qualitativo e sa dove cercare, se c'è qualcosa di nuovo
Responsabile, orientato al cliente e paziente



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Appartamento Irpino
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Offerte e  Prezzi

  • Planning
    The cost of every project is calculated individualy upon request. For orders less than 55 sqr.m 15% price increase will be appried. Consultation Estimating the object, taking measures, photoficsation Drawing with measures Dismantling plan Mounting plan 2-4 options of planning Planning project will be good, if you don't know how to organise your space, what is the best option, if there will be enough space to place all necessary furniture, how much space will left in the end, or you need a floor plan for your engeneering team. You also will see a 3D drawing from the top for better understanding the sizes and volumes.
  • Collage Project
    The cost of every project is calculated individualy upon request. For orders less than 55 sqr.m 15% price increase will be appried. Consultation Estimating the object, taking measures, photoficsation Drawing with measures Dismantling plan Mounting plan 2-4 options of planning Style and coloring offer Collage Collage project is good, if you don't want to spend much for visualisation, you don't need a full engeneering project, but it's hard to choose the best color, and make a combination. You probably don't understand what kind of shapes and sizes will match each other and how to follow one chosen style. Collage with show you a composition of all necessary furniture, lighting, materials and decors.
  • Decorating project (Visualisation)
    The cost of every project is calculated individualy upon request. For orders less than 55 sqr.m 15% price increase will be appried. Consultation Estimating the object, taking measures, photoficsation Drawing with measures Dismantling plan Mounting plan 2-4 options of planning Style and coloring offer 3D visualisation With this progect you will have a full understanding how your space will look like. We provide a 3D visualisation (high quality photorealistic images), where you will see the result in full. This option don't include a full set of drawings and will be good if you would like to see a decoration part.
  • Design Project
    The cost of every project is calculated individualy upon request. For orders less than 55 sqr.m 15% price increase will be appried. Consultation Estimating the object, taking measures, photoficsation Drawing with measures Dismantling plan Mounting plan 2-4 options of planning 3D visualisation Floor plan, layout of materials Ceiling plan Lighting plan Switch on/off plan Layout of sockets and electrical outlets Heating plan Doors and stoppers plan Electrical floor plan Air conditioning circuits Plan of fitting sanitary ware, washing mashines Bathroom layout Room walls layouts Furniture specification A full design project includes planning, visualisation and technical drawings for house maintenance team. The electricity, sanitary ware connection will be developed for your individual project. THis set also includes various drawings which helpes to avoid lots of mistates during repair works.
  • Author’s Supervision
    Price upon request Supervision - a service for support of the project at the stage of preparation worksto complete the implementation of the design project. This stage involves the departure of the designer to the site , consultation and supervision on the implementation of the design project. Supervision of the implementation of construction works will prevent deviation from our plans , will identify and correct any errors in conducting work. As the author of the design project - developed concept , style solutions , worked parts , design and colors , only the designer can change or modify the project without disturbing the harmonious connection of all its elements .
  • Consultation
    100 € (taxes excluded) This is online consultation for general pusposes, and don't imply preparation of any document. If you prefer to meet onsite, the cost is calculated individually. Process of consultation 1. You send request by e-mail in advance (some time of processing your question is required), describe with all details your question, add photos, drawings and all related information. You can add any materials you think will help to understand your question. 2. You provide payment for consultation 3. We discuss convenient time for online. 4. We have 1 hour for discussion and explanation of your question. When it's good to order consultation? When you consider buying an apartment. In this case we will analyse positive and negative things, check if it matches your family needs. If you have any doubts for combining elements of your interior, we will help you to combine according to chosen style. If any other questions - just ask and we will see if it is a good match for personal consultation. When it's no point in consultation? If you don't have questions, nothing to choose from or discuss. If you want a designer to start creating something during the consultation. This is about projecting. The approach for projecting is constructively different, and the time required is also different. When you need only "a very short advise" how to transform the premises. This set also includes various drawings which helpes to avoid lots of mistates during repair works.
Offers and Prices


  • Planning
    The cost of every project is calculated individualy upon request. For orders less than 55 sqr.m 15% price increase will be appried. Consultation Estimating the object, taking measures, photoficsation Drawing with measures Dismantling plan Mounting plan 2-4 options of planning Planning project will be good, if you don't know how to organise your space, what is the best option, if there will be enough space to place all necessary furniture, how much space will left in the end, or you need a floor plan for your engeneering team. You also will see a 3D drawing from the top for better understanding the sizes and volumes.
  • Collage Project
    The cost of every project is calculated individualy upon request. For orders less than 55 sqr.m 15% price increase will be appried. Consultation Estimating the object, taking measures, photoficsation Drawing with measures Dismantling plan Mounting plan 2-4 options of planning Style and coloring offer Collage Collage project is good, if you don't want to spend much for visualisation, you don't need a full engeneering project, but it's hard to choose the best color, and make a combination. You probably don't understand what kind of shapes and sizes will match each other and how to follow one chosen style. Collage with show you a composition of all necessary furniture, lighting, materials and decors.
  • Decorating project (Visualisation)
    The cost of every project is calculated individualy upon request. For orders less than 55 sqr.m 15% price increase will be appried. Consultation Estimating the object, taking measures, photoficsation Drawing with measures Dismantling plan Mounting plan 2-4 options of planning Style and coloring offer 3D visualisation With this progect you will have a full understanding how your space will look like. We provide a 3D visualisation (high quality photorealistic images), where you will see the result in full. This option don't include a full set of drawings and will be good if you would like to see a decoration part.
  • Design Project
    The cost of every project is calculated individualy upon request. For orders less than 55 sqr.m 15% price increase will be appried. Consultation Estimating the object, taking measures, photoficsation Drawing with measures Dismantling plan Mounting plan 2-4 options of planning 3D visualisation Floor plan, layout of materials Ceiling plan Lighting plan Switch on/off plan Layout of sockets and electrical outlets Heating plan Doors and stoppers plan Electrical floor plan Air conditioning circuits Plan of fitting sanitary ware, washing mashines Bathroom layout Room walls layouts Furniture specification A full design project includes planning, visualisation and technical drawings for house maintenance team. The electricity, sanitary ware connection will be developed for your individual project. THis set also includes various drawings which helpes to avoid lots of mistates during repair works.
  • Author’s Supervision
    Price upon request Supervision - a service for support of the project at the stage of preparation worksto complete the implementation of the design project. This stage involves the departure of the designer to the site , consultation and supervision on the implementation of the design project. Supervision of the implementation of construction works will prevent deviation from our plans , will identify and correct any errors in conducting work. As the author of the design project - developed concept , style solutions , worked parts , design and colors , only the designer can change or modify the project without disturbing the harmonious connection of all its elements .
  • Consultation
    100 € (taxes excluded) This is online consultation for general pusposes, and don't imply preparation of any document. If you prefer to meet onsite, the cost is calculated individually. Process of consultation 1. You send request by e-mail in advance (some time of processing your question is required), describe with all details your question, add photos, drawings and all related information. You can add any materials you think will help to understand your question. 2. You provide payment for consultation 3. We discuss convenient time for online. 4. We have 1 hour for discussion and explanation of your question. When it's good to order consultation? When you consider buying an apartment. In this case we will analyse positive and negative things, check if it matches your family needs. If you have any doubts for combining elements of your interior, we will help you to combine according to chosen style. If any other questions - just ask and we will see if it is a good match for personal consultation. When it's no point in consultation? If you don't have questions, nothing to choose from or discuss. If you want a designer to start creating something during the consultation. This is about projecting. The approach for projecting is constructively different, and the time required is also different. When you need only "a very short advise" how to transform the premises. This set also includes various drawings which helpes to avoid lots of mistates during repair works.
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Pensiamo che ciò che spinge le persone a fare le scelte giuste siano i tuoi sentimenti. Se ritieni di aver trovato una brava persona o una buona squadra con cui lavorare, significa che hai ragione. Se i tuoi sentimenti non sono così buoni, hai anche ragione! Ed è meglio guardare oltre a meno che tu non capisca che questa sarebbe una buona partita.
Molti background neurologici sono nascosti nelle scelte e nelle decisioni delle persone. La tua mente e i tuoi sentimenti durante i primi secondi ti hanno già mostrato cosa è meglio prima di prendere una decisione finale.
E se sì, dovremmo aspettarci un messaggio da te oggi? =)

Art e Facto

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